More from Tatyana Woodall
International Space Station
Need more air in space? Magnets could yank it out of water. Need more air in space? Magnets could yank it out of water.
August 18, 2022
International Space Station
Space tourism is on the rise. Can NASA keep up with it? Space tourism is on the rise. Can NASA keep up with it?
August 12, 2022
International Space Station
What do fireworks look like from space? What do fireworks look like from space?
June 30, 2022
International Space Station
NASA chose these designers to make over its ancient spacesuits NASA chose these designers to make over its ancient spacesuits
June 2, 2022
Long spaceflights could be bad for our eyes Long spaceflights could be bad for our eyes
April 12, 2022
International Space Station
After 355 days in space, an American astronaut rides home on a Russian capsule After 355 days in space, an American astronaut rides home on a Russian capsule
March 30, 2022
International Space Station
Sorry, you can’t eat these popular foods on the International Space Station Sorry, you can’t eat these popular foods on the International Space Station
March 25, 2022