Watch Mercury Cross In Front Of The Sun Right Now

The solar system's smallest planet finds a place in the sun


Something really cool is happening outside your window right now. Mercury is passing between Earth and the Sun, which means it will be visible as a small dot traveling across the surface of the sun.

You can even see it! PSA: DON’T GO STARE AT THE SUN. But if you have a solar filter that will fit on a telescope or a pair of binoculars, and you happen to be in an area where the sun is out and not obscured by clouds, check out the view in person (the East Coast of North America has the best view). If you can’t see it in person, then check out the live stream provided by SLOOH above–the event will be going on from 7:12 AM EDT to about 2:42 PM EDT today.

The next transit of Mercury will happen in 2019. Here’s what Mercury’s transit will look like: