Look What Our Sun Threw Up

A magnificent flare, with a magnitude of 6.7. Plus, see our favorite Sun pics ever

On the evening of April 17, the Solar Dynamics Observatory observed the solar dynamic above, and captured rather beautiful false-color 4K video of it.

Solar flares are caused–in some way–by magnetic disturbances in the sun, and can interfere with electromagnetic transmissions here on Earth, like the one you’re probably watching the video on right now.

Next, look at a gallery of our all-time favorite pictures of our favorite star, compiled by Josh Hrala, and, photographed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which has been snapping detailed pictures of the Sun since its launch in 2010.

Active Sun in 3D
Substantial Coronal Hole
Circular CME
The Sun's Layers
Three Rotations
SDO Solar Eclipse
Dancing on a Star
Two X Flares
Active Regions
Active Regions Galore
Solar Eclipse