Last Month Was The Warmest Month Ever Recorded

Not just warmest July. Warmest month.

According to new data released by NASA yesterday, July was the hottest July on record since record-keeping started in 1880, with average temperatures 0.1 degrees Celsius above the previous record set by July 2015.

Because July is historically the hottest month of the year, meaning that not only was this the hottest July ever, it was also the hottest month on Earth in the past 136 years.

NOAA, which also collects temperature data released similar results today, showing that this July was 1.57 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th-century average.

This news marks the 15th consecutive month that the monthly average temperatures have broken records, making it virtually certain that 2016 will be the hottest year since 2015, which broke the record set by 2014. We just keep getting hotter.

“It wasn’t by the widest of margins, but July 2016 was the warmest month since modern record keeping began in 1880,” said GISS Director Gavin Schmidt. “It appears almost a certainty that 2016 also will be the warmest year on record.”

This latest news adds to a long line of record-breaking months, including June, May, April, March…and so on, right back to May 2015. See you again for the August numbers in a month.

Climate Events July 2016