Netflix Will Stream Every ‘Star Trek’ Series, Including The New One

Some restrictions apply...
Star Trek 50 logo
The original Star Trek television series, which premiered in 1966, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. CBS/Star Trek


Netflix users worldwide will be able to boldly binge where few have ever binged before. By the end of the year, over 700 episodes of all previous Star Trek series will be available worldwide, on Netflix, for streaming.

CBS’s hotly-anticipated new Star Trek TV series, due out in January 2017, will make new episodes available for streaming on Netflix within 24 hours of their debut, too — except to viewers in the U.S. and Canada.

However, U.S. and Canadian users will have to go through CBS or Crackle, respectively, to see episodes from the new series.

We’re sure they’ll eventually land on Netflix, but first CBS wants a cut of the action. You can’t really blame it. After 50 years of programming and 727 episodes (basically a 14-episode season a year for the last five decades), the broadcaster has a proven franchise.

But if you don’t want to pay for CBS All Access, just start your multi-month binge with the original series. By the time you’re caught up the first seasons should be well past finished.

[H/T The Verge]