Shigeru Komatsuzaki’s Beautiful 1960s Visions of the Future Pulled From Japanese Model Kits

Super Tunnel, 1981 via Pink Tentacle


Here at PopSci, we love looking back on our previous dreams of the future.

So we get really excited about artists like Shigeru Komatsuzaki, a prolific Japanese illustrator who spent 50 years drawing his own unique vision of the future. In magazines, model packages and even films, he imagined a world filled with things like rocket-launching robots, car boats and solar cities. If only things turned out like Komatsuzaki dreamed.

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Pink Tentacle has a treasure trove of Komatsuzaki’s work in a post today. Check out a sampling of some of our favorite illustrations here, then head over to Pink Tentacle for the rest–well worth it.

Pink Tentacle