How To Be A Youtube Star

With MKBHD's Marques Brownlee

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A lot of 22-year-olds have opinions about gadgets. Not many have 3 million fans who will listen. Marques Brownlee—best known as MKBHD—is an Internet celebrity who’s attracted hordes to his YouTube channel since launching seven years ago. Brilliant and funny smartphone reviews, unboxings, and meditations on all things tech have set him apart as one of the most influential tech vloggers out there.

Tips From Marques Brownlee

Learn From The Best

“When I see a shot in a video or movie I like, I’ll Google it to find out what it is and how to do it. I watch a lot of YouTube tutorials. The more often I do it, the more steps I remember—and the easier it gets.”

Shoot For The Editor

“At events I’ll make a list of everything I want to capture, shoot it, and then record audio back at my hotel since it’s a more controlled environment. I film knowing what type of effects I want to add afterward.”

Speak To What You’ve Filmed

“I have talking points to make sure I don’t forget anything important. It’s more of a conversation than a script. If I fully scripted videos, I would never finish anything on time.”

This article was originally published in the January/February 2016 issue of Popular Science.

Tools Of The Trade