Nicholas Ware was born and raised in Montgomery, Ala., but has since spent time in Florida, Georgia, Ohio, California, and Japan. At PopSci, he contributes reviews and round-ups focusing on tech, audio/video products, and video games.
Nicholas joined the PopSci team as a contributor in 2020. He’s largely focused on the games and audio/video sectors, doing reviews and running down both software and hardware. In the past, he has worked as a freelance writer for a now-defunct import gaming blog and an Orlando-regional arts and entertainment website where he covered film and film-adjacent events. Outside of writing, he’s largely worked in education or for nonprofits. He’s taught courses on the university level in English composition, English literature, English language, digital media literacy, game history, game design, and culture studies. Additionally, he’s published academic writing—largely focusing on video games, professional wrestling, and digital culture—in 100 Greatest Video Game Characters; Football, Culture, and Power; The Play Versus Story Divide in Game Studies: Critical Essays; Rated M for Mature: Sex and Sexuality in Video Games; and The Journal of American Culture.
Nicholas graduated with a BA from Florida State University with a double major in English Literature and Media Production. While at FSU, he managed the student movie theater and was part of the programming committee for determining what films and events were available to students. Later he attended Bowling Green State University in Ohio and earned an MA in Popular Culture Studies, and finished all coursework and tests for a PhD in Texts & Technology from the University of Central Florida (but did not write a dissertation).