The Week In Numbers: Radioactive Boar, Homemade Theremins, And The 200 MPG Motorcycle

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7000: Number of Chinese, Russian, Kyrgyzstani, and Kazakh troops deployed for Peace Mission 2014.

7: Hours an average toddler spends in front of a television every day.

17: Phony cell towers Cryptophone customers detected across the United States in July.

80-90 leaks/hour: The rate at which your Samsung Galaxy SIII sends data to parts unknown.

Less than 1 percent: Portion of this transgenic silk vest and scarf made up of spider proteins. Added strength? 53 percent.

200 MPG: Fuel economy of this aerodynamic motorcycle. It’ll run you $5,000 though.

35: The number of years a megadrought might last in the American Southwest. Odds of that happening? 50 percent.

12: Number of homemade theremins at the NYC Makers show.

$1: Minimum cost of a ticket in Mars One’s space raffle fundraiser.

$1 trillion: The national student debt burden.

297 out of 752: Number of boar in Saxony, Germany carrying unsafe levels of radiation more than 28 years after the Chernobyl disaster.

**700: **Distance in miles between Saxony and Chernobyl. Those radioactive particles traveled a long way.

11: Number of cadavers used to determine how your gut bacteria move through your body when you die.

100: Years since the death of Martha, the world’s last passenger pigeon.

3: Number of people in France who received a direct brain-to-brain message over the Internet from one person in India.