Techathlon podcast: Labor Day tech trivia special

Here's something to listen to on your trip home from the long weekend.


Techathlon summer pool float ipad
iPad screen sizes are getting out of control. The water-proofing really has come a long way, though. Stan Horaczek

It’s Labor Day here in the United States, which means summer is officially over and we’re headed into the heart of new gadget season. You can expect heaps of new devices appearing between now and the Consumer Electronics Show in January, including the new iPhone and some other, more surprising gadgets.

But, even though the temptation of a true long weekend is strong, we couldn’t keep ourselves away from the studio microphones. So, we present you with this bonus episode of Techathlon, which consists only of the 10-question Decathlon.

We’ll be back next week with a full episode of the show, but this week you can expect to learn about upcoming smartphones, self-driving cars, and a new era of Chromebooks.

You can listen in the player above, check us out on Stitcher, follow us on Anchor, subscribe via iTunes, or add the show on Spotify.

You can also follow the Techathlon Twitter account to brag about your knowledge or mock our failures. They’re both equally fun.

And just in case that’s not enough Techathlon for you, here’s last week’s episode just in case you missed it while you were scouring Trip Advisor to find the best beach hot dog stand to visit over the long weekend.


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