See How Star Wars Props And Replicas Get Made

Not just old camera parts and glue anymore
Star Wars Replicas
Star Wars replica masters talk prop shop Youtube

Serious Star Wars fans get pretty intense about their collectables, and the resulting demand for accurate and authentic prop replicas means that the technology has had to come a long way.

Prop Shop are the guys that created the props for Episode VII, so they’re making replicas of stuff they designed. And they’re making those replicas by first 3D scanning the ones from the films, and building the replica from those scans. That’s a first in the Star Wars replica world.

You might have a limited edition recreation of a lightsaber in your house (I have two) or you may just stick with the $30 plastic ones they sell at Walmart. But if you care how the stuff from the movies gets made, this video is definitely worth taking a look at.