Bright Idea: USB Cartridge Could Let Any 35mm Film Camera Shoot Digital

If only


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For photographers who are attached to their analog equipment but can no longer resist the pull of the digital age, RE35 proposes a solution: a digital cartridge that fits into any 35mm camera and connects to your computer via USB.

The RE-35 cartridge, in place of film, has a pull-out “sensor” that captures the images and saves them to flash memory within the cartridge. When plugged in to a computer, the cartridge charges and transfers images with built-in software.

There are doubts as to whether or not this is a belated April Fool joke. As Stan Horaczek from Pop Photo says, “It would be very interesting to see something like that. It would take some doing, though: Since it’s not hooked up to the shutter it would never know when to record an image.”