Craigslist Moves to Limit Prostitution

So much for my weekend plans


While most people just use Craigslist for finding roommates and discount furniture, there is an undeniably large segment of users that turn to the site for more erotic reasons. With the killing of a masseuse hired through the site dominating tabloid front pages, Craigslist representatives will meet this week with States Attorney Generals from Missouri, Illinois, and Connecticut to work at reducing the number of illegal services offered on the site.

CNN reports that the meetings are aimed at reducing the number of prostitutes that advertise on the site, but not consenting adults looking to engage in legal behavior.

This is not the first time Craigslist has met with legal officials to discuss the erotic services section of the website. Back in December, representatives of Craigslist met with representatives from 40 states, resulting in this statement about the change implemented to the site.

But while legal officials paint Craigslist as a den of sin, the sex workers themselves claim that the site actually reduces the dangers to them.