Video: 3 Crazy Maker Faire Projects

From flaming unicorns and drivable hammocks to chair-sized 3-D printers and cat-accommodating wagons, check out the highlights of NYC’s 2012 Maker Faire.
Handmade robots at NYC's 2012 Maker Faire dance in sync to music. Dave Mosher

Thousands of inventors, hackers, makers, and do-it-yourself enthusiasts swarmed New York City this weekend to get a taste of Maker Faire, one the planet’s biggest do-it-yourself festivals.

Organizers call their event the “greatest show (and tell) on Earth” after the hundreds of projects hauled out for display every year, from flame-and-sparkle-shooting unicorns to remote-control hammock cars.

Popular Science grabbed a camera and headed out to the New York Hall of Science — the grounds of the festival since it landed on the East Coast in 2010 — and documented the smorgasbord of mind-blowing projects.