Video: Chasing After Mario On A Cylindrical Screen

A video game that literally keeps you on your toes


At any given time, NYC Resistor might be filled with members sewing wearables, soldering LEDs, and perhaps even carving pumpkins. Of all the projects to come out of the Brooklyn hackerspace, one of the coolest is the Megascroller, a cylindrical screen created by member Trammel Hudson . Although it can be, and is, used to create art, it can also display video games like Super Mario Brothers. With this game, Mario isn’t the only one who has to run around: To keep up with the on-screen plumber, players must walk (or jog) around the screen as well.

In September, Popular Science attended World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science. We saw giant robots, tiny Tesla coils, and musical instruments made out of anything you can imagine. Check out some of the coolest projects with us!