Build Your Own DIY Cleanroom


DIY tool build projects are one of my favorite topics. Recently, I Heart Robotics posted documentation of a DIY cleanroom build to further particle sensitive schemes like hacking a Hokuyo Laser Rangefinder. The essential elements are a sealed box, some workspace, and a supply of filtered air for positive pressure inside the box.

As a few of the comments on the post and on Make suggest, a particle counter, though spendy, would be key to gauging success and pinpointing issues with the cleanroom. Without some quantification, it is impossible to meaningfully measure the performance of the clean room. This shouldn’t take anything away from the clean room build, but hopefully it will inspire a DIY particle counter solution from our readers. Anyone?

Years ago, I built a DIY paint booth for a car I was restoring with the same key elements: plastic drop cloths and box fans with HEPA furnace filters taped on. The neighbors were less than amused by the whole affair, as I recall.

[I Heart Robotics via Make]