The July 2009 Issue Is Up

The future of energy, machines that heal, firefighting tech and the world's first augmented reality magazine cover
The Future of Energy. See it in interactive 3-D augmented reality here!

We’ve posted everything from the July issue; here’s where to find it.

Browse the issue’s table of contents here. And don’t forget to check out this issue’s amazing interactive 3-D cover. We’ll be featuring content from this issue on the homepage throughout the next few weeks, in addition to our regular stream of web-only blog posts and features. Enjoy!


The Future of Energy

From here to 2050: The Reality-Check Energy Guide; Which technologies will finally free us from oil?

Iceland’s Power Down Below

Last October, Iceland’s economy tanked. Its bailout? A two-mile geothermal well drilled into a volcano that could generate an endless supply of clean energy. Or, as Icelanders will calmly explain, it could all blow up in their faces

The First Secretary of Climate Change

Can physics Nobel winner Steven Chu, head of the Department of Energy, inspire an energy revolution?

One Man’s Mission to Build an Eco-Friendly, Affordable Home

John B. Carnett, PopSci‘s staff photographer, is using the latest green technology to build his dream home. Follow his progress in his new recurring column, debuting this month

Machines That Heal

A robot nurse, a virtual patient, a mind-reading helmet and more

Forever Plane

An autonomous spycraft designed to fly practically forever, powered by nothing but sunshine


Next-Gen Firefighting Technology Arrives Just in Time to Combat Wildfires: High-tech solutions to a burning problem

A Nylon Sheath For Your House, to Quench Fires: A new system could stop raging flames from burning down your home

• Eye, Robot: A filmmaker documents his life using a homemade video camera implanted in his prosthetic eye

• Sunspots Missing, Camel Found: A roundup of science and tech’s lost and founds this month

An Artificial Uterus Gives an Endangered Species a Shot at Survival: Building a shark factory

What’s New

An Electric Piano for Mozarts on a Budget

Volvo’s Anti-Fender-Bender Tech Hits the Brakes For You: PopSci tests new tech that doesn’t let you crash

• Online Videogames Herald the End of Discs — and Expensive PCs: Gaming grows up, moves out

How 2.0

The World’s Fastest Remote-Control Car

A Device That Gives You Reminders When You Need Them Most

Gray Matter: Carve Steel with Saltwater, Electricity and a Tin Earring

• Theme Building: Leisure-Time Robots

• Ask a Geek: Is YouTube the Best Way to Find Videos on the Web?


40 Years Later: Ten Things You Didn’t Know About the Apollo II Moon Landing

Why Does My Voice Sound So Different When I Hear it Played Back From a Recording?

What Do My Eyes Do While I’m Sleeping?

Is Play Unique to Mammals?