The best Memorial Day grill deals are sizzling

If your long weekend barbecue is suffering from an old grill, get yourself a new outdoor cooking rig.
The best memorial day grill deals composited
Stan Horaczek


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Memorial Day Weekend is the official kickoff to summer grilling season, which means it’s time to invest in shiny new equipment to ensure your burgers, dogs, and vegetables come out perfectly every single time. The tools you use can impact not only the flavor of your food but how easy it is to flip, season, and even transfer to and from a plate. The good news is that getting the good stuff means you won’t have to replace any of it for a long time.

Weber Genesis E-325s Gas Grill $899 (was $1,049)

if you’re looking for a rock-solid, propane-powered grill with tons of useful features, you’ll have difficulty finding a better option than the Weber Genesis E-325s, especially now that it’s now at the lowest price it’s been in months. It relies on Weber’s patented burner tech, which provides consistent, clean flame to char your grub. Plus, a Sear Station part of the grill gets exceptionally hot for searing steaks or other cuts of meat that thrive under high temps. Plus, it offers several features that facilitate easier cleaning, like easily accessible grease management. That means you can spend more time eating burgers and a lot less time scrubbing old sludge out of your grill.

If you’d prefer the natural gas version, that’s also on sale for $1,219 (down from $1,319).

Everdure CUBE Portable Charcoal Grill $156.99 (Was $199)

Everdure CUBE Portable Charcoal Grill

The Everdure Cube is the portable charcoal grill every camper, apartment dweller, tail gator, or beach bum could use to cook up a storm on the go. The steel grill comes with a food storage tray and cutting board, which latch onto the top of it to make carrying and prepping your food easier. Similarly, metal handles make the grill simple to carry to and from a car, or indoors to outdoors. Despite its compact size, the Everdure Cube offers 115 square inches of grilling space. Everdure says this is enough room for three medium steaks or six small burgers at once.

Once your grilling is done, you can remove the Cube’s grates, empty out its chamber, wash the storage tray and board, and store. The Everdure offers the cube in five colors, and while the Khaki colorway is marked down to $150 we prefer the pop of the orange option seen above. If you’ve given up grilling due to the lack of space or high cost, don’t skip this deal.

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Brandt Ranj

Staff Writer, Commerce

Brandt Ranj is an experienced writer for PopSci, covering topics such as science, technology, news, and gadget reviews.

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