Jean Levasseur, Contributor, DIY at Popular Science


Jean Levasseur is a DIY contributor at Popular Science. He’s an avid woodworker and a stay-at-home parent of twin boys. When he’s not chasing the twins around the house or trying to fix or build something, Jean is a fiction writer, musician, and avid gamer. 


Jean started freelancing for PopSci’s DIY section in early 2020, after leaving his job teaching writing at a local university. This followed a nearly decade-long career in public relations and marketing, beginning at the XPRIZE Foundation, and continuing at various marketing agencies. Jean has always enjoyed working across a broad spectrum of industries, including private spaceflight, environmental activism, cancer research, and the financial sector. In addition to working in marketing and writing capacities, Jean has worked in construction, as a conveyor mechanic, and has served fries at a local hot dog stand.

For PopSci, Jean has covered a variety of topics, including how to talk to your kids about vaccines, organizing the clutter that comes with kids, and how to refinish a cutting board. One of the best parts about writing for the DIY section is that doing so often offers a way to touch on almost any subject.


Jean graduated from Fitchburg State University with a bachelor’s degree in communications and a minor in English. From there, he received a master’s degree in English and teaching from Salem State University, with a concentration in fiction writing.


  • A writer interested in a wide variety of topics, including taking some of the mystery out of parenting, fixing things, and tool-use, both for himself and for readers.
  • A self-starter who always believes in trying to figure things out for yourself before bringing in outside help—but knowing when it’s time to make that call.
  • Holds a master’s degree in English and teaching from Salem State University.

Favorite weird science fact

Space is full of light. We just can’t see most of it.

More from Jean Levasseur