Rosetta Takes A Selfie

"Does this angle make my solar wing look fat?"

The Rosetta robotic space probe has sent back this amazing photo of itself, illuminated in the sun’s light.

From the left, the edge of Rosetta is visible swathed in a protective covering, followed by one of its 15 yard-long solar wings. In the upper center sits Comet 67P, also called Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, just 30 miles away.

Although five seemingly smooth potential landing sites have been chosen for the mission, the choices are narrowing as Rosetta nears Churyumov-Gerasimenko and its rough surface becomes easier to see. The target site will be announced next week for this first-ever attempt to land on a comet. Meanwhile, researchers have made a colorful map of 67P’s various geographical regions.

The European Space Agency’s ‘rosetta blog’ states that two images taken at two different exposures, both made on September 7 by the CIVA camera on the mission’s Philae landing craft, were used to acheive a result that would show the most detail.