Emoji Of All Genders And Races Get 11 New Jobs

Insert triumphant hair flip emoji


The Unicode Emoji Subcommittee just introduced 11 new emoji professions to the world of tiny text-people, each with inclusive skin tone and gender options.

Their design guidelines doc announces a farmer, welder, mechanic, health worker, scientist, coder, business worker, chef, student, teacher and rockstar. The additions come after Google called for representation of women in a variety of professions, not just princesses and hair-flippers. “We believe this will empower young women (the heaviest emoji users), and better reflect the pivotal roles women play in the world,” the Googlers said in their proposal. Thirty-three other emoji activities also get a gender upgrade, including female runners and male haircuts, according to TechCrunch.

Why having long hair is the default differentiator of gender for the emoji world is probably another story.

The new emoji included in Unicode's update.
The new emoji included in Unicode’s update. Unicode Emoji Subcommittee