DIY EpiPens, An Augmented Reality Diving Helmet, And More

Our 10 favorite images of the week
orion spacecraft rescue practice in a pool
After a test flight in 2018, the Orion Spacecraft will splash into the Pacific Ocean near San Diego, at which point Navy Divers and Coast Guard and Air Force rescue workers will need to recover the uncrewed spacecraft. The mission will be a practice run in preparation for an eventual trip to Mars. Here, workers practice their rescue techniques inside the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston this week. NASA/Radislav Sinyak


a man shrimp fishing from his boat
Saturn's Tiny Moon within Saturn's rings
Psittacosaurus' pet-sized dino body
Scientist holding a Space Microbiome in a watch glass
airplane putting out a wildfire in a forest
medical activist holding a DIY epipen
Mercedes-Benz's Concept Vision Van with two drones on the roof
yellow navy helmet with smart eyewear
US's yearly medical research spending vs Zuckerberg's $3 billion