The Big Book Of Hacks


Welcome to the code download page for Popular Science’s Big Book of Hacks! If you’ve found your way here, you need code for one of the projects listed below. To install it, click the download link, and then follow the instructions in your book. Happy hacking!

  • Fend Off Fender Benders with a Sonic Distance Sensor
    Developed by William Finucane.
    Adapted with permission from his original guide in the Mad Science World on
  • Rig a DIY Polygraph Test
    Developed by William Finucane.
    Adapted with permission from his original guide in the Mad Science World on
  • Create a Mesmerizing Persistence-of-Vision Clock
  • Craft a DIY Digital Photo Frame
    Developed by John B. Carnett
    Please download the application key here.
  • Improvise a Planetarium
  • Get Your Air Drums On with Electrified Drumsticks
    Developed by Maayan Migdal.
    Created at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design under Professors Ytai Ben-Tsvi, Schachar Geiger, and Itay Galim.