Take a 360-Degree Video Tour of Times Square

With PopSci Tech Editor Michael Nuñez and Social Media Editor Jason Lederman
A 360-Degree Walk Through Times Square

Yesterday, Facebook introduced the ability to upload and watch 360-degree videos on all devices. Join tech editor Michael Nuñez and social media editor Jason Lederman for a 360-degree virtual walk through Times Square (video shot on a Ricoh Theta S).Thumbnail: reynermedia/Flickr/CC-By-2.0 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/89228431@N06/11285512973/sizes/l/in/photostream/)

Posted by Popular Science on Friday, November 13, 2015

Yesterday, Facebook introduced the ability to upload and watch 360-degree videos on all devices. Popular Science is putting it to the test. Using a Ricoh Theta S camera, tech editor Michael Nuñez and social media editor Jason Lederman filmed their trip through New York’s Times Square on a rainy evening. Join them on their walk, and click and drag around the video to see Times Square in all its glory. And be on the lookout for more 360-degree videos from Popular Science coming soon.