The Week In Numbers: An Alien Ocean, Beer-Flavored Jelly Beans, And More


310 miles: the diameter of Saturn’s moon Enceladus, whose large underground ocean is now a top candidate for extraterrestrial life

10 million microbes per square centimeter: the population density of human skin (see what’s living with you here)


$9: the price per pound of Jelly Belly’s new beer-flavored jelly beans

140 different styles of beer: are classified by the Brewers Association (read about how the bubbly brew took over the world here)

15 minutes: the time it takes to turn empty beer cans into sun-tracking cameras

Beer Can Camera

1,640 feet: the range of Audi’s new laser headlights, which use blue laser modules in place of standard high beams

7.2 feet: the record-setting distance American physicists managed to send a super-high-energy laser beam

9 years: the time this scientist spent developing a fish-massage system for cruelty-free caviar

About 3,600 minke whales: have been caught in Japan’s dubiously scientific whaling program since 2005

About 30 days: the time an airplane’s flight data recorder sends out a detectable sonic ping (read why we haven’t built a better black box here)

9.4 percent: the factor by which astronauts’ hearts become more spherical in microgravity