The Scientifically Best Way To Get Through A Day On No Sleep

Sure, boss, I'll get—*yawn*—right to it.


Science is an endeavor by a bunch of flawed people, and the institution can be problematic—hey, we’re all human—so I’m not usually one to say things like, “I love science!” This time, however, I’m grateful. New York Magazine talked with sleep researchers about the best strategies for getting through a busy day after getting little or no sleep the night before. Sure, we all know we should get more sleep, but short nights sometimes happen. _NYMag _lays out all its tips in a timed schedule. Awesome.

Here are a few of the more surprising strategies I learned:

  • Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up

  • Expose yourself (not like that) to natural light, but don’t wear sunglasses

  • This terrifying tidbit, from 9 am:

Check out NYMag for more, and check out the scientifically best times to drink coffee during the day, too.

New York