Watch A Personal Flying Machine Built By Students Take Off

A Snowstorm in Singapore


Snow is all but impossible in the city-state of Singapore; for Singaporeans to experience it, they have a special Snow City indoor snow center. Perhaps that’s why, when engineering students from the National University of Singapore made a brand-new electric flying machine, they decided to dub the contraption Snowstorm. The device seats one, and is capable of carrying them several feet into the air, like this:

Built over the course of a year, Snowstorm can carry up to about 150 pounds and can fly for up to 5 minutes. That’s not a lot as aircraft go, but pretty good in the world of personal flying machines. The hexagonal machine has 24 motors, each powering a small propeller. The whole vehicle is battery-powered.

Says the National University of Singapore:

Watch it (and listen to it roar) below: