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I absolutely love Patagonia’s outdoor gear. The company offers some of the best outdoor gear around, including jackets, sweatshirts, fleeces, parkas, base layers, and just about anything else you could want to wear outside your house. Unfortunately, Patty gear doesn’t come cheap. Right now, however, the annual sale has cut prices by half or sometimes even more. And it’s not just a small selection of ugly stuff like some other brands. There are a ton of styles and sizes available across both men’s, women’s, and accessories. Writing this post is dangerous because I’m so tempted to go revamp my wardrobe. Please buy things and let me live vicariously through you and your impeccable outdoor style.
Men’s Lightweight Synchilla® Snap-T® Fleece Pullover $68 (was $139)
This is the classic Patagonia look as far as I’m concerned. I have a full-zip Synchilla that I absolutely love. It has taken all kinds of abuse on photoshoots, yardwork sessions, and trips to the playground with my kids. This pullover has a snap pocket on the front and snaps to close the collar as well. It comes in a variety of colors and they still have a surprising number of sizes in stock. It’s one of the most versatile garments around.
Women’s Re-Tool Hybrid Jacket $149 (was $299)
Yes, $149 still isn’t cheap, but this is a truly useful piece of outerwear. The top portion is Patagonia’s Re-Tool fleece, while the bottom is polyester rip-stop with fancy Prima Loft insulation. It’s easy to pack since it folds up relatively small and it’s comfortable to throw on whether it’s a chilly summer night or a full-on winter outing. At the time of writing, there are also a ton of colors and sizes still in stock during the sale.
Patagonia packs and accessory deals
- See all deals on gear
- Fieldsmith Roll-Top Pack 30L $64 (was $129)
- Stealth Pack Vest $99 (was $199)
- Dirt Roamer Bike Pack 20L $79 (was $159)
- Ascensionist Pack 55L $119 (was $239)
- Fieldsmith Linked Pack 25L $44 (was $89)
More Patagonia men’s clothing deals
- See all the men’s clothing deals
- Men’s Silent Down Parka $213 (was $429)
- Synchilla® Fleece Anorak Pullover $73.99 (was $149)
- Men’s Reversible Shearling Fleece Crew $63.99 (was $139)
- Men’s Baggies™ Longs – 7″ $31.99 (was $65)
- Men’s Down Sweater™ Hoody $163 (was $329)
- Take a Stand Trucker Hat $19 (was $39)
- Line Logo Ridge LoPro Trucker Hat $19 (was $39)
- Men’s Reversible Bivy Down Vest $113 (was $229)
- Fisherman’s Rolled Beanie $19 (was $39)
- Men’s Pack In Pullover Hoody $99 (was $199)
- Natural Blend Retro Cardigan $173 (was $349)
More Patagonia women’s clothing deals
- See all the women’s clothing deals
- Women’s Recycled Cashmere Cardigan $139 (was $269)
- Women’s Iron Forge Hemp® Canvas Barn Coat $109 (was $219)
- Women’s Off Slope Jacket $184 (was $369)
- Women’s Lightweight Synchilla® Snap-T® Fleece Pullover $69 (was $139)
- Women’s Shearling Fleece Hoody $79 (was $159)
- Women’s Bivy Hooded Vest $94 (was $189)
- Women’s Heavyweight Fjord Flannel Overshirt $93 (was $189)
- Women’s Nano Puff® Jacket $119 (was $239)
- Women’s Seabrook Jumpsuit $64 (was $129)