Endangered bumblebees, babies’ brains, and more amazing images of the week

Newsworthy eye candy
fMRI image of mother and child
A new study out this week found that infants as young as four months old understand and process faces like adults do. The authors say that this suggests that the visual cortex in our brain is already highly structured and formed by the time we are born. Rebecca Saxe, Atsushi Takahashi and Ben Deen / Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT / Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT


west coast weather gif
The West Coast has been hit bad this week with torrential rain and snowfall. This .gif shows the precipitation, which is measured every 30 minutes, from Jan. 7 through Jan. 10. It’s intense; California’s Mammoth Mountain received some 133 inches. NASA/Joshua Stevens
Apple's first iPhone
This week 10 years ago, Steve Jobs introduced the very first iPhone—a device that forever changed how we use and design mobile phones. Here’s what Twitter users thought about the device when the concept was brand new. Apple
mars rover with obama signature
rusty-patched bumblebee