Introducing: LadyBits on Popular Science!


Hello, PopSci! We are LadyBits, a league of extraordinary jornalists bent on adjusting the media landscape to more accurately reflect the facts that A) smart women exist (en masse!), and B) like to read smart content on the internet. Every week here on the new PopSci blog network, we’ll write about scientific findings, ongoing research, and policy issues that typically don’t get covered by mainstream media outlets.

We long for scientific information that is directly relevant to us, whether it pertains to our health and future well-being or is just plain cool. Unfortunately, cultural relics of the days when science was strictly a man’s world still linger in our present scientific literature. From the questions researchers attempt to answer using the scientific method, to the way scientific findings are delivered in news coverage, scientific information is still largely manufactured under two false assumptions: women don’t understand science, and they certainly don’t care to read about it in their daily goings on. LOL.

Well, we care about science, and we’d rather read about what’s pushing the frontiers of discovery than about celebrities, makeup tips, and the other boring stuff in most publications “for women.” What’s hot this fall (and every season) is brains, and we think you’ll love our new look:

raptor girl
Clever girl. Photo via reddit, source unknown.

Society wants women to stay young forever—can we? What’s legit and what’s snake oil when it comes to youth-infusing treatments? What are the genetic and environmental factors that determine if a woman develops breast or ovarian cancer? What are the best mechanisms to screen for health problems that affect women at various stages? Why is there so much variation in menstrual symptoms from person to person? How do the efficacy and side effects of different forms of birth control vary? What happens to our bodies and minds during pregnancy and how can we maintain our health and our children’s health in the most effective ways possible? Why do so many women report symptoms of sexual dysfunction and how can we address this scientifically and culturally? What are the differences in how disease and mental illness manifests in the various genders? Can we hack reproduction to gain full control over the genetic destinies of our offspring? Should we? And when are we going to have a male oral contraceptive already?!

Our posts will mainly be penned by a variety of top writers and editors who are affiliated with LadyBits LLC, a media group founded by former ScienceBlogs cat herder Arikia Millikan. Additionally we welcome questions, tips about coverage, and guest submissions. Please direct all inquiries to or tweet at us @LadyBits .

Let’s do some science!