Erik Olsen, Contributor, Tech at Popular Science

Erik Olsen

Contributor, Tech


  • Deep experience writing and filming about environmental and ocean science (marine biology, geology, ocean technology). Logged numerous long expeditions at sea aboard scientific vessels, including a ride in a submersible to 2,000 feet beneath the surface.
  • Extensive experience filming with, and reporting, on drones. FAA licensed drone pilot and experienced in underwater photography/videography
  • Bylines include The New York Times, Quartz, Scientific American, Great Big Story (CNN), National Geographic, Retro Report, ABC News, Hakai Magazine, and Business Insider.


Favorite weird science fact

Octopuses have an extensive nervous system with over 500 million neurons. Scientists compare that to a dog. But over two thirds of the octopuses’ neurons are located within their arms and body, creating a unique type of distributed intelligence. I consider them the closest thing we have to an alien intelligence.

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