Episode 31: Homemade Zamboni


Inventor Damian Renzello has been making portable skating rinks and related accessories for years, so it’s not surprising that it’s come to this: a homemade super zamboni that blows snow, shaves ice, and looks totally awesome. I love projects like this – the false starts, the dangerous accidents, the madness – I think those are the three ingredients that make up what they call “Yankee Ingenuity.” I was a little disappointed to find out this wasn’t a meaningless, self-destructive quest for a personal homemade zamboni, and instead the latest invention from a genuine entrepreneur. I should have known from the photo—it’s far too well built to have been cobbled together by a crazy person.

Speaking of crazy people, I was surprised to learn from Damian that the zamboni was actually invented by a guy named Zamboni. I think I always thought that zamboni was an Italian word for “ice shaver” or something like that (you know, those Italians: crazy for hockey!). You learn something new every day—or in my case, once a week.

If you’d like your own Bambini Revolution, or if you want to set up a portable backyard skating rink (I know I do), you can find Damian’s products at www.portarinxandbambini.com.

—Jonathan Coulton

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