Tag: mass transit

A guide to eco-friendly travel

Travel breaks up our routine, makes us more physically active, and encourages us to try new things. The downside? Carbon emissions related to tourism have been on the rise in the past few years, and scientists suggest the industry is responsible for up to 8% of the world’s total carbon emissions.

Math explains why your bus is late—and could help fix it

Researchers have used mathematical models to study the behavior of bus transit systems to better understand why this happens. The mathematics identify what causes this problem – and also suggests that bus-tracking technology can be combined with simple control algorithms to improve the situation.

China Will Test A ‘Straddle Bus’ That Drives Over Cars

Population-burdened transit systems in smog-choked Chinese cities may have a new and cheap solution in the form of a bus that glides two meters above the street, on a set of rails. Think of a trolley car shaped like an arch. The idea is to build on top of existing traffic patterns rather than having to dig costly subway systems. Because it relies on more existing infrastructure than a subway, this design is expected to cost just 60 percent of what subways would.