Tag: ESA

A sneak peek at the lunar camera destined for the Artemis missions

When humans finally return to the moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program, they’ll arrive with a bevy of high-tech equipment to capture new, awe-inspiring glimpses of Earth’s satellite. But cameras have come a long way since the Apollo missions. In 2023, some incredibly advanced options are already almost moon-ready right off the shelf. According […]

Some space junk just got smacked by more space junk, complicating cleanup

Having already done a decent job of it here on Earth, humans are well on their way to polluting the skies just beyond our atmosphere. After nearly 70 years of modern rocketry and satellite projects, there are literally millions of centimeter-and-larger discarded objects orbiting the planet—alongside an estimated 130 million tinier bits of space trash. […]

Real-life BB-8 ‘hamster ball’ robot may one day map moon caves

The European Space Agency is working on a prototype of a spherical rover that could explore the depths of lunar caverns. It would be the first mission to delve beneath the surface of another world.  The small craft, called DAEDALUS—for Descent And Exploration in Deep Autonomy of Lunar Underground Structures—would be lowered into caverns from […]

A deep-space telescope spied an exoplanet so hot it can vaporize iron

Some 322 light-years away in the constellation Libra lies one of the most extreme and hottest worlds discovered by astronomers so far. Launched into Earth orbit last December, the European Space Agency’s shiny new exoplanet-hunting satellite CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (or CHEOPS) spotted exoplanet WASP-189b, a gas giant circling close to one of the hottest known stars with a planetary system.