Fall(out) Guy Part 3

What is Fallout Anyway?

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More on the different types of isotopes you may encounter in a post-apocalyptic scenario next time.

For now, it’s important to add that fallout isn’t just of the radioactive variety. Here’s Phil:

And mushroom clouds aren’t just caused by nuclear bombs either. Volcanoes have been known to erupt into great pyrocumulus clouds, and in the late 1780s, a mushroom cloud was featured in a French painting of the Siege of Gibraltar.

Vue du siège de Gibraltar et explosion des batteries flottantes View of the Siege of Gibraltar and the Explosion of the Floating Batteries, artist unknown, c.1782 https://library.brown.edu/cds/catalog/catalog.php?verb=render&id=1256603134453125&view=showmods

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