7 Amazing Pictures Of Alaska’s Erupting Volcano

A Pavlofian reaction
Pavlof Volcano
Pavlof volcano as seen from a flight on the morning of March 28. Colt Snapp


Pavlof Eruption

On Sunday afternoon, the Pavlof volcano roared to life in Alaska, sending a column of ash over 37,000 feet into the sky. The ash traveled for more than 400 miles, and grounded a few flights in the state.

At least one village reported being dusted by a coating of ash before the ash plume subsided early Tuesday. Residents in the nearby town of Cold Bay were treated to a light show, with lava fountains at the summit visible at night. The Alaska Volcano Observatory said that volcanic mudflows were likely in local river valleys.

Pavlof is a fairly active volcano with observed eruptions dating back to 1790.


The eruption is exciting, but is also notable in that it shares a start date with another Alaskan moment in geologic history. On March 27, 1964, a massive earthquake shook Alaska for 4.5 minutes, generating a tsunami. The Great Alaskan Earthquake is the largest ever recorded in the United States.

See more pictures and satellite images of the eruption below.

Pavlof ash cloud
Lava Fountain
Morning Ash
Pavlof Eruption