Uber Delivers Ice Cream By Drone In Shenzhen

Clever gimmicks, done for kicks


Uber, the ever-expanding app-driven taxi alternative, has a keen eye for clever publicity. In Washington, DC, where the author resides, Uber has held multiple promotions involving the delivery of cats and dogs for brief mid-day playdates. In New York, an Uber pedicab carted around the titular throne from Game of Thrones. In Shenzhen, China, Uber combined their marketing savvy with the surefire draw of gimmick drones and ice cream.

Look at how happy this drone is:

The drones were Phantom 3 quadcopters, provided and flown by China-based drone giant DJI, which is headquartered in Shenzhen. The drones flown came complete with safety guards on the rotors to prevent any accidental injuries.