Bill Nye vs. Intelligent Design

The Science Guy rejects a Biblical explanation


His show stopped producing new episodes nearly eight years ago, but it seems that Bill Nye the Science Guy (Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!) isn’t submitting to B-level TV-celebrity status just yet. A mechanical engineer who studied at Cornell under Carl Sagan, Nye has much more under his belt than his beloved educational show; he engineered a hydraulic device for Boeing that is still used on the 747 and a special sundial used during the Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Now it seems he’s busy touring small-town America, giving sold-out lectures for charity and ruffling a few feathers with criticisms of intelligent design in the process .

You can use Google News to plot his course across the country: here, the Waco Tribune-Herald reports several people walking out of his talk after he criticized a literal interpretation of the Bible; and here, the Allentown, Pennsylvania Morning Call calls Nye both “Bill Nye the Boring Guy” and “Bill Nye the Controversial Guy” over the course of a single column. Who knew good ol’ Bill could whip up such a furor? —John Mahoney