20 percent off standing desks and other good deals happening today

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Halter office products
Halter Amazon

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Smart bulbs

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If you’re into the whole smart lighting thing—like I am!—Amazon has a whole bunch of refurbished Philips Hue products for 20 percent off. On offer: white and color Hue starter kits, portable LED table lamps, and other bulbs. Check out the full list here.

Ergonomic office furniture

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Today on Amazon, two Halter office products are on sale for up to 30 percent off. The standing desk, which is on sale for 20 percent off (now $160) extends 16.14-inches upward, can hold just about 44 pounds of tech and office baubles. You can adjust the height via its squeezable handles.

The second product—an ergonomic adjustable foot rest—will take some pressure of your feet and your wallet. It’s got a tilt range of 20 degrees, and is 13.8-inches by 17.7-inches. It’s is currently 30 percent off, or $18.

Digital picture frame

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Save 20 percent on a 10.1-inch Nixplay Seed frame. It has HD 1280×800 resolution, motion sensors, and Amazon Alexa built-in. You can upload curated playlists of photos or access the photos from all of your social media accounts. Right now, you can get one for $136.

With all our product stories, the goal is simple: more information about the stuff you’re thinking about buying. We may sometimes get a cut from a purchase, but if something shows up on one of our pages, it’s because we like it. Period.

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Billy Cadden

Senior Director of Commerce

Billy Cadden is the Senior Director of Commerce for the science, tech, and outdoor group at Recurrent. He began working as the Commerce Editor at PopSci in 2017, where he spent 5 years diving deep into every product he could get his hands on. Cadden splits his time between Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, and Woodstock with his dog Wanda. He spends his time seeking new coffee shops and writing for his solo music project