
Low-cost TV at maximum HD resolution
HP's Wobulation technology takes the original image [1] and breaks it down into two separate sub- images [2 and 3]. Your eye adds the two signals for each pixel shown in 2 and 3, yielding a close facsimile [4] to the original.

DLP (Digital Light Processing), a low-cost leader in big-screen HDTV technology, uses a chip with thousands of micromirrors to display pictures. But there´s a limit to how small the mirrors can become and still produce a good image. Texas Instruments, which makes the DLP chips, maxed out with its 1,280-by-720 array, short of the highest-quality HD resolution of 1,920 by 1,080 pixels. So HP created Wobulation, a technique that takes advantage of the fact that TI´s new DLP mirrors can oscillate every 1/120 of a second to create a series of overlapping pixels, which the eye melds together. The result is two visible pixels for each physical mirror, or a true 1,920-by-1,080 picture. Available late next year.