Would You Vote For A Supercomputer As President?

IBM Watson is (not) running for Computer-In-Chief


A potential President Watson fields questions from the White House press. IBM

While we might have already seen our first robot in the 2016 presidential election, some fans want a serious supercomputer to hop into the fray.

In a fan-made creation, IBM’s Watson, the artificial intelligence algorithms used to beat Jeopardy in 2011, proposes a run for president. The real Watson has gotten much “smarter” since 2011, due to IBM’s litany of research initiatives and acquisitions. IBM has specifically pushed healthcare as a main focus of topic, saying that Watson informs lung cancer treatment decision for 90 percent of nurses at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

“It is our belief that Watson’s unique capabilities to assess information and make informed and transparent decisions define it as an ideal candidate for the job responsibilities required by the president,” states the Watson 2016 Foundation, a fake website dedicated to Watson’s presidential bid.

For a machine with no human wants, desires, or motivations, Watson’s political agenda is questionably liberal, advocating a single-payer healthcare policy, free university education, and the legalization of recreational drug use.

However, the machine’s true agenda is revealed when talking about energy, most likely to fuel the next generation of ruling-class machines. Watson condones an aggressive push to clean, sustainable energy like solar, wind, hydroelectric, and wave farms.

This, of course isn’t a real bid, but it makes you wonder. How complex would an algorithm be before we would consider it running our country? Could machines seize the means of production, if they are the means of production? Luckily, we won’t find out any time soon.

IBM Communications reached out to let us know that Watson really isn’t running, but is instead spending its time doing more in the private sector.

“IBM’s Watson is not running for President, though we’re humbled by the suggestion. Right now, Watson is focused on other important work like helping doctors improve healthcare and teachers improve education,” an IBM representative wrote in an email.

The site appears to have been made by Watson enthusiast Aaron Siegel.

This article has been updated to reflect that Watson, is indeed not running for president and the website was not made by IBM.