Tag: infographics

These will be the best places to live in America in 2100 A.D.

Season after season, extreme weather bombards the continental United States. Over the next 83 years, its cascading effects will force U.S. residents inward, upward, and away from newly uninhabitable areas. But don’t worry: We’ve mapped out how these factors will alter the country’s landscape in 2100. Now go nail a quality spot while the pickings are still slightly more plentiful.

‘America’s Best Infographics 2015’ Is Out Today

The 2015 edition of The Best American Infographics hits shelves today. The book is stuffed with the most impressive infographics from the past year. From New York taxi routes to blue fin tuna migration patterns to the calories in meals from popular chains, these infographics inform and entertain. And we are thrilled that Popular Science […]

Infographic: A Timeline Of The Present And Future Of Electric Flight

August 19th is National Aviation Day, established in 1939 to honor the birthday of Orville Wright, the first man to fly in the air. That first airplane ran on a small piston engine. Seventy years later, the battery-powered Militky MB-E1 carried humans in the first all-electric flight. Since then, the promise of electric airplanes has […]

Wikipedia’s 100,000 Most Popular Pages, Rendered As A Galaxy

Perhaps you imagine the Internet as a set of tubes, or a web, or series of garden paths. One student in Paris imagined it as a galaxy. He has made a visualization of Wikipedia’s 100,000 most popular articles in 2014 that you can “fly” through by clicking. We love it. You can visit it here. […]

Runner Data-Logs Her Jogs To Draw Pictures On A Map

Visualizations don’t all have to be serious. They can be lighthearted—and a little subversive. Claire Wyckoff [NSFW] uses the Nike+ run-tracking tool as a data-illustration canvas: She turns it on, then goes for a run in the shape of an (often lewd) image. This outing, from July, traced Slimer from Ghostbusters through a San Francisco […]