Welcome to Techathlon: The most fun technology podcast ever created

It's educational and fun! It's Educatiofun. Funecational? It's real good.

The PopSci tech team spends a lot of time around headquarters talking about, arguing over, and generally nerding out about everything technology-related. Our boss says that’s time we should spend “doing work,” because we’re “employees of a company” and not “weirdos at a dinner party” bickering about what smartphone to buy, who knows the most about the internet, or when AI is finally going to grant us the lives of leisure we so desire. So, we made a new podcast.

Techathlon is a collection of games and segments designed to test our knowledge of the tech world. Fun and games aside, there’s a ton of information packed into every episode, so you can play along while you listen and build up your own tech smarts along the way.

For our first episode, we’re recapping the week’s biggest tech stories, channeling debate came to figure out which video game console reigns supreme, proposing solutions to the tweet-editing conundrum, and taking out biggest swing at some tricky tech trivia.

There are tons more games and sideshows coming up soon. You’ll laugh, learn, and get a chance to feel superior to us when you know the answer to a question and we don’t.

You can listen to new episodes on Mondays on iTunes, Stitcher, or pretty much anywhere else you get your podcast fix. You can also follow us on Twitter to brag about your tech knowledge or share cool links with us.

And remember, when you listen, you’re already a winner. (You don’t actually win anything, but we still think you’re great).