Science Porn on YouTube



If you’ve ever felt your brain approach the point of implosion while reading about the workings of an advanced new drug or medical device, the wild and imaginative animations from Nucleus Medical Art could be the right cure. Granted, they’re not purely educational; the whole point is to help companies sell their products through flashy videos, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something from them, too.

One of the best animations shows how antibodies fight pathogens in the bloodstream. As pathogens start attaching themselves to a white blood cell, a series of Y-shaped antibodies swarm in to the rescue, locking up with the proteins on one of the pathogens. Since the pathogen uses these proteins to bind to the cell, when they’re blocked, it’s rendered useless. Eventually, a macrophage acts as the garbage truck of the blood, sucking up the impotent pathogen for good.

Now, wouldn’t you rather watch all that happen than read about it? And listen to a little techno in the background while you’re at it? Thought so. Check out the company’s greatest hits here.—Gregory Mone

(Image credit: Nucleus Medical Art)

Via Medgadget