Japanese Domino’s Unveils Elaborate, Carefully Thought-Out Plans to Sling Pizza on the Moon


Seriously, you guys, this is a real story. The Japanese branch of popular American circle-of-grease manufacturer Domino’s has unveiled plans to build a dome-shaped Domino’s pizza on the moon. The moon. The artist’s rendering, above, features a drive-through which the Domino’s concept artist thinks you’ll be able to drive a space-motorcycle through.

Click to launch a guide to the new features of the Domino’s on the moon.

So, obvious first questions first, is this actually going to get made? No, because a spokesman for Domino’s estimates it’ll cost about ¥1.67 trillion–about $21.74 billion–to build, with about $7.3 billion required just to get the materials out to the moon. Of course, Domino’s does note that the plan calls for keeping costs down by making concrete out of “mineral deposits on the moon.” (Might we suggest using Enrico Dini’s moon-dust 3-D printer?) Another reason this won’t actually get made: the moon has a permanent resident population of zero. A Domino’s spokesperson says “we have not yet determined when the restaurant might open,” although “never” seems like a pretty fair guess.

But the plans are pretty cool: it would be a two-story dome with a diameter of 26 meters, with a ton of storage space and places to grow pizza-making ingredients with LED lights, since they can’t very well plant a garden out back and it’d get awfully expensive to rent a Soyuz or SpaceX rocket every time the kitchen needs a new bucket of sauce.

Theoretically, this is just a PR-friendly response to Pizza Hut’s 2001 space-delivery, but the Domino’s spokesperson insists the company is actually just thinking ahead. “In the future,” he said, “we anticipate there will be many people living on the moon, astronauts who are working there and, in the future, citizens of the moon.”

[via The Telegraph]