Tag: sound

Sound waves power ping-pong ball through aquatic obstacle course

Engineers at Switzerland’s École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have created a system that harnesses audible sound waves to steer objects across an unpredictable aquatic obstacle course. But as neat as it is to watch speakers maneuver a floating ping-pong around a pool, the process known as “wave momentum shaping” may also pave the way […]

Spider conversations decoded with the help of machine learning and contact microphones

Arachnids are born dancers. After millions of years of evolution, many species rely on fancy footwork to communicate everything from courtship rituals, to territorial disputes, to hunting strategies. Researchers usually observe these movements in lab settings using what are known as laser vibrometers. After aiming the tool’s light beam at a target, the vibrometer measures […]

This new subsea communications system can run on an iota of power

Researchers at MIT have designed a new underwater communication system that employs 70-year-old technology while also requiring one-millionth the energy needed for existing arrays. Not only that, but the team’s design allows for transmissions that can travel 15 times farther than current devices. “What started as a very exciting intellectual idea a few years ago—underwater communication […]