24 silly wildlife photos to brighten your day


Two bear cubs clinging to their mother. A puffin subtly excusing itself. A mantis throwing a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The finalists for the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards are as relatable as they are delightful. And while we try to avoid anthropomorphizing animals, it’s hard to see two seals seemingly sharing a laugh on the beach and not say “me.”

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Marti Phillips Tiburon United States Title: Are You Kidding? Description: Two Cape Fur seals Animal: Cape Fur Seal Location of shot: Cape Cross Seal Reserve, Namibia
“Are You Kidding?”
Credit: © Marti Phillips / Nikon Comedy Wildlife Marti Phillips

“These images capture not only the humour and charm of wildlife, but also highlight the importance of conservation in a way that resonates with people of all ages and from all different walks of life,” Stefan Maier, Nikon Europe Senior General Manager Marketing, said in a statement.

The overall winner and category winners will be announced on December 10. The images will then be on display for a limited, week-long run at the Gallery@Oxo in London.

(To see images in their full, silly glory, click to expand.)

Description: This image was taken in South Georgia, it really does show a male king penguin trying to make a move on a female who has already paired up with her male. The body position and wing posture make the message clear - "back off!" ***
“Alright mate back off – this is my bird!”
Credit: © ANDY ROUSE / Nikon Comedy Wildlife Andy Rouse
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Jörn Cl Bielefeld Germany Title: Where do you think you are going??? Description: This picture was taken in 2015 during my first visit to the Farne Islands (UK). The islands were full of puffins, kittywakes, shags, guillemots and razorbills, and I never before and since then have taken so many photos in such a short time. I think I really "saw" this image only later that day when I checked my haul. Animal: Puffin Location of shot: Farne Islands, Inner Farne, UK
“Where do you think you are going??? “
Credit: © Jörn Clausen / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Jose Miguel Gallego Molina Castellón Spain Title: Mantis flamenca Description: De vuelta de mi paseo fotográfico en un pantano cerca de mi localidad (Pantano el Sitjar), frené mi coche de repente en la carretera al ver que alguien me ordenaba parar. Aquí fue cuando vi por primera vez a mi amiga la Mantis flamenca. Os podréis imaginar la cara del resto de coches que pasaban, al ver un coche con los intermitentes y la puerta abierta, parado en el arcen y un loco tumbado en el suelo con la camara en la mano. Animal: Mantis mediterránea - Iris oratoria Location of shot: Onda (Castellón)
“Mantis flamenca”
Credit: © Jose Miguel Gallego Molina / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Alexander Fine Seattle United States Title: Holding on for a ride Description: After a nap, the mother brown bear wanted to go for a walk, but the cubs wanted a ride Animal: Brown Bear Location of shot: Lake Clark National Park
“Holding on for a ride”
Credit: © Alexander Fine / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Damyan Petkov Svishtov Bulgaria Title: Whiskered tern crash on landing Description: Whiskered tern head hit the rock when try to land Animal: Whiskered tern Location of shot: Svishtov, Bulgaria
“Whiskered tern crash on landing”
Credit: © Damyan Petkov / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Arvind Mohandas Offenbach am Main Germany Title: The Contemplative Chimpanzee Description: Shot in the jungles of Uganda, following a group of around 50 chimpanzees. This one was obviously comtemplating an important issue, on a day of realization and reaffirmation of how close chimpanzees are to humans! Animal: Chimpanzee Location of shot: Uganda
“The Contemplative Chimpanzee”
Credit: © Arvind Mohandas / Nikon Comedy Wildlife arvind mohandas
Credit: © MILKO MARCHETTI / Nikon Comedy Wildlife “milko marchetti www.milkomarchet”
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Tapani Linnanmäki Kustavi Finland Title: Shake, ruffle, rattle and roll! Description: In the picture, a white-tailed eagle is ruffling its feathers. The picture was taken with the Nikon Z9's autocapture feature. The camera is placed on top of the sea ice on top of a bag of nuts at the level of the ice. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this picture. There were more than ten funny poses and expressions in the photo series. Animal: White-tailed eagle Location of shot: Kustavi Finland
“Shake, ruffle, rattle and roll!”
Credit: © Tapani Linnanmäki / Nikon Comedy Wildlife Tapani Linnanmaki
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 wim bellemans vlimmeren Belgium Title: parrotfish loves to be washed Description: I saw this parrotfish with 2 other fishes cleaning him. The smile on his face shows that he really loves it. Picture shot while diving in Dahab, Egypt on 18/2/24 Animal: parrotfish Location of shot: Dahab, egypt
“Parrotfish loves to be washed”
Credit: © Wim Bellemans / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Artur Stankiewicz Zgorzelec Poland Title: I'm too sexy for my love Description: One of the 'lazy' mornings we have decided to stop by the pool with hippos while in Mana Pools NP. My idea was to try and catch fighting hippos, yet, they all were quite peaceful. I have positioned on the bank, safely from the potential charge and waited. Some of them raised their heads in curiosity or when proximity to the other individuals was too close. Then I got this idea to catch the portrait with water plants decorating the head, It looked like the guy just got our of the hairdresser with a big smile on his face :) Animal: Hippopotamus Location of shot: Mana Pools NP, Zimbabwe
“I’m too sexy for my love”
Credit: © Artur Stankiewicz / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Christopher Arnold Chemnitz Germany Phone: 01743770265 Email: chrisarn9@web.de Title: Schon wieder Montag? Description: Direkt aus dem Kanu heraus habe ich dieses Nutria fotografiert. Dieses war gerade mit der Körperpflege beschäftigt. Animal: Nutria Location of shot: Deutschland
“Schon wieder Montag? (Monday, again?)”
Credit: © Christopher Arnold / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Michela Bordoli Dino Switzerland Title: Gecko fashion model Description: As we walked on the sands of the Namib Desert, a gecko suddenly appeared, emerging out of nowhere with a smile on its face. It positioned itself perfectly, posing for a portrait worthy of a National Geography cover. It seemed to say: "Take my picture, I'm ready for my cover!" Animal: Namib sand gecko Location of shot: Sandwich harbour, Namibia
“Gecko fashion model”
Credit: © Michela Bordoli / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Eberhard Ehmke Schlüchtern Germany Title: Frog in in a baloon Description: During a photo shoot at the pond I discovered this frog with its head in a bubble. This resembles a tree bell. Animal: Frog Location of shot: Bergwinkel, Germany
“Frog in in a balloon”
Credit: © Eberhard Ehmke / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Gabriel Rojo Macachin Argentina Title: Smiling Elephant Seal Description: These multi-ton giants fight to keep their harem of females. In the instant of the photo, the animal seems to be smiling... but the reality of the situation is that its expression of astonishment and smile is at the moment of fleeing quickly, because the dominant male was on his way to a bloody fight. It is better to preserve physical integrity... I better go... Animal: Southern Elephant Seal Location of shot: Peninsula Valdes, Chubut Province, Argentina
“Smiling Elephant Seal”
Credit: © Gabriel Rojo / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Kingston Tam Gatton Australia Title: Awkward smiley frog Description: I asked this frog to smile for the camera but it seemed a little shy. Animal: Cyclorana novaehollandiae Location of shot: Queensland, Australia
“Awkward smiley frog”
Credit: © Tam Gatton / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Randy Herman Hudson United States Title: You're not my mother! Description: This female Red-bellied Woodpecker had been investigating this Screech Owl nest for a couple of days; perhaps it was her nest last year? This little owlet was definitely startled, and didn't seem to know what to make of this intruder. The woodpecker moved on, and the owlet fledged with its two siblings about an hour later. Animal: Screech owlet and female Red-bellied Woodpecker Location of shot: Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio, USA
“You’re not my mother!”
Credit: © Randy Herman / Nikon Comedy Wildlife Randy Herman
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Ingo Hamann Bad Homburg Germany Title: Laughing out loud Description: This newborn seal seems to be laughing at a good joke. Animal: Seal Location of shot: Helgoland, Germany
“Laughing out loud”
Credit: © Ingo Hamann / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Leslie McLeod Ottawa Canada Title: Hide and Seek Description: We were on safari in Kenya and happened upon this beautiful female who was looking for a mate. A group of topi were also keeping a pretty close eye her as she left messages for a potential partner on various trees. This shot makes me think that the cheetah is just about to shout out, "ready or not, here I come!" Animal: Cheetah Location of shot: Mara North Conservancy
“Hide and Seek”
Credit: © Leslie McLeod / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Ralph Robinson Cambridge United States Title: Gang of Four Description: On the penguin highway, these rockhoppers are moving into town, and this town ain't big enough for all of them! I set up my camera a good distance from this ridge, where rockhopper penguins were returning from feeding in the southern Atlantic ocean in the Falkland Islands. The long lens pulled them into the frame without disturbing their return to nests on the hill. I love photographing penguins after they've been in the water as they are cleaner! These birds look like they are ready to kick some penguin ass! Animal: Southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) Location of shot: Pebble Island, Falkland Islands
“Gang of Four”
Credit: © Ralph Robinson / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Sanjay Patil Navi mumbai India Title: The Rock Star Description: Fan-throated lizards are found only in the Indian subcontinent, where they have evolved under the influence of changing climates. These lizards are colorful and belong to the category of reptiles. Female Lizards do not display fan as they do not have. Male lizards inflates its attractive neck pouch to attract the female in hot summer season. Here is the female lizard standing upright to escape the summer heat. Animal: Fan Throated Lizard, Female Location of shot: Maharashtra State, India
“The Rock Star”
Credit: © Sanjay Patil / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Charles Janson Huson United States Title: Otter Guru Description: In a kayak with my camera balanced precariously on the gunnel, I stayed very still while floating by this resting Sea Otter. It stayed relaxed (you can tell because it is still floating on its back) and kept on grooming its fur. With its peaceful face and upturned paws, it reminded me of a Guru meditating. Animal: Sea Otter Location of shot: Elkhorn Slough, California
“Otter Guru”
Credit: © Charles Janson / Nikon Comedy Wildlife
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 Takashi Kubo aobadai meguro Japan Title: Mafia Boss Description: It looked like he was sucking a cigar, and he looked like a mafia boss. Animal: flying squirrel Location of shot: Hokkaido Japan
“Mafia Boss”
Credit: ©  Takashi Kubo / Nikon Comedy Wildlife

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