Tag: racism

Law enforcement collected over 1.5 million people’s DNA since 2020

A new investigation published today by Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy & Technology reveals the Department of Homeland Security has amassed 1.5 million people’s DNA in recent years thanks to a potentially unconstitutional and predatory legal amendment targeting marginalized communities—a 5,000-percent increase compared to its database’s previous two decades of existence. This genetic material is […]

Rite Aid can’t use facial recognition technology for the next five years

Rite Aid is banned from utilizing facial recognition programs within any of its stores for the next five years. The pharmacy retail chain agreed to the ban as part of a Federal Trade Commission settlement regarding “reckless use” of the surveillance technology which “left its customers facing humiliation and other harms,” according to Samuel Levine, […]

The DOJ is investigating an AI tool that could be hurting families in Pennsylvania

Over the past seven years, Allegheny County Department of Human Services workers have frequently employed an AI predictive risk modeling program to aid in assessing children’s risk factors for being placed into the greater Pittsburgh area’s foster care system. In recent months, however, the underlying algorithms behind the Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST) have received […]

Born of eugenics, can standardized testing escape its past?

This article was originally featured on Undark. Back in the year 2000, sitting in his small home office in California’s Mill Valley, surrounded by stacks of spreadsheets, Jay Rosner hit one of those dizzying moments of dismay. An attorney and the executive director of The Princeton Review Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the private test-preparation and […]