Catherine Schwanke

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FYI: How Long Would It Take Piranhas To Eat A Person?

FYI: How Long Would It Take Piranhas To Eat A Person?

What Do My Eyes Do While I’m Sleeping?

What Do My Eyes Do While I’m Sleeping?

Is It True That Birds Can’t Fart?

Is It True That Birds Can’t Fart?

Why Does Organic Milk Have a Longer Shelf Life Than The Regular Kind?
How Long Would it Take Piranhas to Eat a Person?

How Long Would it Take Piranhas to Eat a Person?

The Science Behind Unseen Phenomena

The Science Behind Unseen Phenomena

Delay (Anew) for the LHC Restart

Delay (Anew) for the LHC Restart

Diminishing Days for Emperor Penguins

Diminishing Days for Emperor Penguins


A Real Cloaking Device

Spookfish Uses Mirrors for Eyes

Spookfish Uses Mirrors for Eyes