Tag: evergreen

How to remove sweat stains from white shirts

Sweat stains are a common nuisance, often leaving unsightly yellow marks on our favorite garments, especially white shirts. Regular washing just doesn’t cut it when it comes to getting rid of these stubborn stains. Although addressing these stains promptly and effectively is essential to preserving your clothing and maintaining its pristine condition, all is not […]

How to set up a Little Free Library

There’s just something about walking through a neighborhood and seeing a streetside library. You know the ones: the small wooden boxes with glass doors and books inside. At this point it’s hard to remember a time they didn’t exist. They haven’t been around that long, though. The first was in 2009 According to Little Free […]

Why do cats make biscuits?

When they aren’t yowling to be let out the front door (and immediately back in again), bringing home half-dead animals, and purring contentedly as you recover from receiving said animals, cats love few activities more than “making biscuits”.  In case you aren’t familiar, here’s a quick refresher: a “biscuit-making” cat will push its front paws […]

The 5 best writing apps that help avoid distractions

So here’s the problem: You’ve got writing to do, but there are endless distractions every time you sit down at your laptop. Whether it’s a blog post, an important email, or the next great American novel, you’re struggling to put one word after another in any kind of consistent way. The solution is an app […]

How to transcribe text for free using AI

Long before AI was being used to generate videos and code programs, it was being used to understand spoken language and take action on it. AI is the reason you can chat to Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant and get these apps to do your bidding. These same algorithms can help you create digital transcripts […]

How to care for a Venus fly trap

The Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula) captivates with its clever approach to survival, thriving in the coastal wetlands of North and South Carolina. This remarkable plant is not only known for its beautiful white blooms but also for its dramatic, insect-snaring capabilities. With leaves evolved into intricate traps, the Venus fly trap cleverly lures, captures, […]

How to use the new Gemini AI tools built into Chromebooks

Google is keen to follow the rest of the tech industry in putting AI features everywhere it possibly can. Its Gemini apps and models are at the forefront of that strategy—and the latest Google products to get a slew of AI features are Chromebooks. To be more specific, these Gemini AI tools are now available […]

Science tricks to keep your flower bouquets looking fresh

Bringing a vibrant bouquet into your home is not just about the instant beauty—these flowers can maintain their freshness and continue to brighten your space with the right care. Utilizing simple, scientifically backed methods, you can extend the vitality and appearance of your cut flowers. Here’s how you can keep your floral arrangements looking fresher […]

How to spot an AI-generated video

Generative AI is filling up the web at a rapid rate, and while we’re weighing up the consequences for education, energy, and human creativity, it’s making it much harder to trust anything that appears online. Is it real, or is it AI-generated? For the moment, we don’t have a 100 percent reliable way of detecting […]